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Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award is a tribute to the PSA member for their outstanding clinical, educational or scientific achievement, contribution to the specialty and/or exemplary service to the Society. The award is presented to the individual who fulfills the qualifications put forth by the PSA Board of Directors. 

If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else within the Society, please complete the application form. If you are submitting on behalf of another PSA member, please confirm with the individual you are nominating them for this award.  

Application form reopening soon


2022​: Craig Muetterties, M.D.

2016: Edward H. Dench, Jr., MD; John Bian Rosa, MD; Robert Early, MD

2008: Joseph Seltzer, MD

2007: Donald Martin, MD

2006: Carol Rose, MD

2004: William D. Hetrick, MD

2002: Paul Schaner, MD

2001: Richard Albertson, MD

2000: Brett B. Gutsche, MD

1999: Julien F. Biebuyck, MD

1998: Peter M. Winter, MD

1997: Paul E. Berkebile, MD

1996: Lewis C. Hitchner

​1995: Stephen J. Prevoznik, MD

1993: Peter Safar, MD

1992: John R. Quinn, MD

1991: Stephen C. Finestone, MD

1990: Norig Ellison, MD

1989: Herbert C. Dodge, MD

1988: William D. Stewart

1987: Louis J. Hampton

1986: Thomas C. Dias

1986: E.S. Siker

Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists

1554 Paoli Pike, Suite 298, West Chester, PA 19380 |

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