Submission Guidelines
Original Research Format
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Total length may not exceed 4500 characters
- Up to 2 supporting documents (tables and/or figures) may be uploaded. Please DO NOT include any author names or institutional identifiers in the body of your abstract.
Initial Judging Criteria
- Writing style: Was the abstract written professionally and with clarity? Was the abstract content organized? Did the writer use appropriate grammar and spelling?
- Originality: Was the research project novel? Does the research add something new to the practice of anesthesiology, critical care, and/or perioperative medicine?
- Scientific rigor: Was a hypothesis or main study objective stated? Were the methods appropriate for addressing the study question? Were appropriate statistical methods applied? Do the results support the conclusion/s state?
- Impact: Will the results of this project change or improve the practice of anesthesiology, critical care, and/or perioperative medicine?
March 10: Abstract submission deadline
March 17: Preliminary judging will be completed
March 18: Notifications sent
The 5 top scoring abstracts will be invited to give an oral presentation of the original research at the conference on Saturday, April 5 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Harrisburg, PA as part of the Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. Additional accepted abstracts will be invited to give a poster presentation, also during the conference. Logistics regarding format for both oral and poster presentations will be sent with acceptance emails.
Timing and Submissions
Research may represent work in progress or may have been previously submitted for publication or presentation at a national meeting in 2025. Further, research submitted in this competition are not precluded from submission for future publication or presentation. The competition is part of a regional meeting and, clearly, will not preclude the resident from submitting the research in a future endeavor. Please note: a maximum of three submissions will be considered per first author. If more than three are submitted, only the first three submissions will be reviewed. Research is to be submitted electronically via Oxford Abstracts by February 25, 2025. Paper and emailed copies will not be accepted.
- All anesthesiology residents are eligible to enter the competition who are enrolled in a training program in Pennsylvania.
- Residents entering the competition must have significantly participated in the research endeavor (to be confirmed by their training program).
We look forward to your participation in PARRC and the PSA Annual Meeting!