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PSA Summer Advocacy 

The Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists (PSA) is thrilled to launch our summer grassroots advocacy campaign, dedicated to promoting safe anesthesia practices and ensuring high-quality care for all Pennsylvanians. We invite you to join us in taking action and making a positive impact on anesthesia services in our state. Together, we can ensure that Pennsylvania’s patients receive the safest and highest level of anesthesia care possible.

summer advocacy banner

What important issues do legislators need to be educated about?

  • The difference between Anesthesiologists and CRNAs: Ensuring that our elected officials understand the difference between anesthesiologists and CRNAs is vital to ensuring our patients receive the highest quality care possible. Currently in Pennsylvania there are legislative proposals that would undermine physician directions of CRNAs.
  • Certified Anesthesiologist Assistants (CAAs): The PSA has been actively engaged in educating Pennsylvania Lawmakers and decision makers about the benefits that CAAs could bring to the Commonwealth. These highly trained non-physician anesthesia providers could go a long way in helping to slow the ever-growing workforce shortage that is occurring across Pennsylvania.

How do you advocate?

Start by visiting advocacy. Here you will find all the necessary information and talking points for your visit with a legislator.

Finding your legislators:

Please visit the following link Find Your Legislator - PA General Assembly ( and enter your address to determine who your legislator is.

Clicking on the legislator’s name will take you to their page and give you their contact information and the location of their office(s).

Request a meeting with your legislator:

Using the contact information gathered from looking up your legislator, you are now prepared to contact their office and set up a meeting. The best way to set up a meeting is to call the district office, identify yourself as a constituent and let the individual on the phone know that you would like to meet with your legislator to discuss multiple important issues that affect anesthesiology in Pennsylvania.

I am stuck, what do I do?

If at any point in the process, you become stuck or confused feel free to reach out to and he will help you through the process and give you any additional information that you need.

Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists

1554 Paoli Pike, Suite 298, West Chester, PA 19380 |

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