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resident Membership

resident component

Resident Member

*Bylaws 1.162

A Resident Member is a physician in full-time training in an accredited anesthesia residency in Pennsylvania who has earned a degree of doctor of medicine, bachelor of medicine, or doctor of osteopathy. Membership in this category lasts a maximum of five years.

Resident or Fellow Member

*Bylaws 1.123

A Resident or Fellow Member is a physician within the continuum of training in Anesthesiology in an accredited residency in the  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or a physician training in a fellowship in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who holds the degree of Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy shall be eligible to become a Resident or Fellow Member of this Society for a period of no longer than six years.

No person shall continue as a Resident or Fellow Member upon the completion or discontinuance of the member's training, or for more than six total years, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws.

Provided further that any extension beyond six years of Resident or Fellow Membership must have written approval of the Director of his or her training program, as well as the written approval of the Secretary-Treasurer of this Society. 

The Resident and Fellow Membership annually, by mail or electronic ballot or at an appointed meeting, shall elect officers, one of whom shall serve on the Board of Directors of the Society for one year.

Officers and Governing Board

The Resident component governing council is comprised of a President, President-Elect, and Secretary as well as one representative from each training program. The President of the Resident Component also serves on the PSA Board of Directors.

2020-2021 PSA Resident Component Governing Council

President: Anne Paige Pribonic, MD
President-Elect: Genevieve Pourzan, MD
Secretary-Treasurer: John Graffe, MD

physcians operating photo

*Below are the PSA Bylaws for how Resident Members can become active leaders.

PSA BYLAWS 10.1.2018.PDF

Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists

1554 Paoli Pike, Suite 298, West Chester, PA 19380 |

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